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Print version ISSN 1794-8932


RENGIFO CASTANEDA, Carlos Adolfo; CANAVERAL, Diana Carolina; ALVAREZ LOPEZ, Mario Alberto  and  BERNAL LOPEZ, Luz Adriana. Lo bello y lo bueno en el discurso oral y escrito: Implicaciones pedagógicas del Fedro de Platón*. sophia [online]. 2016, vol.12, n.1, pp.127-137. ISSN 1794-8932.

The purpose of this article is to understand Plato′s arguments in dialogue of the Phaedrus, which lead to identify some implications of his proposal, both in oral and written speech, and their impact on contemporary thought. The above, through a bibliographic review, (appealing to primary and secondary sources), which make it possible to recognize that, finally, only the one proceeding as stated by this Socrates′ disciple in the text of the Phaedrus, may be named as "philosopher, lover of wisdom"

Keywords : Philosophy; pluralism; public; speaking; speech; pedagogy.

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