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Ingeniería y Ciencia
Print version ISSN 1794-9165
GONZALEZ-CANCELAS, Nicoletta; SOLER-FLORES, Francisco; CAMARERO ORIVE, Alberto and LOPEZ ANSORENA, Íñigo. Tratamiento de outliers para el estudio de transmisión de vibraciones del ferrocarril. ing.cienc. [online]. 2012, vol.8, n.16, pp.191-219. ISSN 1794-9165.
This paper presents the data analysis of the vibration induced by the propagation of waves caused by passing trains, metro and tram. These data are taken with an optical fiber accelerometer within the framework of the research project TRAVIESA (Transmisión de Vibraciones del ferrocarril urbano al entorno: Estrategias, Tecnologías y materiales para su atenuación) funded by CDTI and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain. The methodology was developed to characterize the level of vibrations that affect different elements of railway infrastructure and nearby buildings. Optical fiber accelerometers were used and the measurements were made by the Technological Institute of Optics, Colour and Imaging (AIDO).
Keywords : Data mining; outliers; railway; vibration.