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Producción + Limpia
Print version ISSN 1909-0455
RENDON LOPEZ, Lina María et al. Education for sustainable development: approaches from a colombian perspective. Rev. P+L [online]. 2018, vol.13, n.2, pp.133-149. ISSN 1909-0455.
This paper emphasizes the importance of presenting environmental education plans and programs with special emphasis on the component of sustainable development. It is based on an analysis of international and national perspectives that have favored the enactment of useful legislative frameworks for the design of educational programs. The second part of the work presents an advance of the conclusions of an education project for environmental sustainability referred to the creation of habits of selective collection of plastic containers, designed by a higher education institution and a company in the recycling sector.
Keywords : Environmental education; sustainable development; environmental legislation; waste management; recycling; educommunication.