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CES Psicología
On-line version ISSN 2011-3080
DIAZ GOMEZ, Álvaro; DIAZ ARBOLEDA, Juan Sebastián and HADDAD, Daniela Andrea. Notes on the development of political psychology in Colombia. CES Psicol [online]. 2015, vol.8, n.2, pp.213-230. ISSN 2011-3080.
This paper presents a conversation with the researcher professor Alvaro Diaz Gomez, which through an intellectual autobiography, talks about the development of political psychology in Colombia since its precariousness and potentialities. This is framed in the Latin-American perspective presenting different authors, approaches, views and research problems. Four characteristics about Political Psychology: 1- It is Psychology in terms of facing psychosocial processes, does research and designs documents about it. 2. - It is research and performing psychological area in regards to political processes. 3. - It is a tradition that allows the existence of pioneers, approaches, academic communities, and dissemination ways. 4. - It is plural due to the performing fields. It was proposed that the political psychology assumes politics as an inquiry field and the political subjectivity in specific.
Keywords : Political Psychology; History of Psychology; Colombian Political Psychology; Latin American Psychology.