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Zona Próxima

On-line version ISSN 2145-9444


DIAZ-POSADA, Leidy Evelyn  and  RODRIGUEZ-BURGOS, Lilian Patricia. Inclusive education and functional diversity: Knowing realities, transforming paradigms and providing elements for practice. Zona prox. [online]. 2016, n.24, pp.43-60. ISSN 2145-9444.

Abstract This paper contains the results of a literature review aimed to highlight indicators related to the realities and the implementation of inclusive education, the changes over time regarding the use of language to refer to people with functional diversity and the identification of successful experiences of inclusion for this population. It was found that the focus of the "functional diversity" is the international trend and it is proposed as a stream of language and thought that contributes to a transformation of unfavorable social representations that have been transmitted until now, with relation to the study object. Finally, a conceptualization of inclusive education, their determinants and the description of guidelines based on experiences are included.

Keywords : inclusive education; functional diversity; social representations; educational change.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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