The purpose of this article is to carry through a prospective exercise based on which elements (scenarios, variables, aspects...), contribute to empowering entrepreneurship in people with disabilities (physical, organic and/or sensorial) and, on the other hand, identify what competencies, according to the different profiles selected, they are essential to undertake entrepreneurship processes in this group. Not in vain the difficulties of this group to undertake in the workplace are significantly higher than those of people without disabilities.
A profile of the entrepreneur with a disability made in a previous study of Ortiz and Olaz (2017), and its subsequent development through the nominal group technique, Several explanatory dimensions that contributed to an understanding of entrepreneurship identified in people with disabilities, such as the following aspects: personal-psychological, institutional-legal-public policies, cultural-environmental, educational-training and, also, socio-economic, family, physical-accessibility.
Along with this work executed in different groups as entrepreneurs with disabilities (Ortiz and Olaz, 2018a), association directors (García-Palma and Durán, 2018), association technicians (Manzanera-Román and Olaz, 2018), regional administration technicians (Ortiz and Garcia-Escribano, 2018) by reference to a group control (Olaz and Ortiz, 2018b), the script of the interview that served as the basis for the current phase of the research project is objectified1 (Olaz and Ortiz, 2018c).
The groups interviewed were disabled people with experience in entrepreneurship, relatives of disabled people who have undertaken, disabled people who do not have experience in entrepreneurship, political representatives linked to entrepreneurship and disability, representatives of disabled associations and professionals working in the disability field.
Logically, by not agreeing on the discourse between these profiles, far from being a contradiction in the study of entrepreneurship, confers a semantic wealth discourse analysis as a result of the different positions that may arise.
This article will begin by addressing some methodological issues; then, in the results section, you will delve into the key elements, always according to the different profiles selected, that concur in the explanation of entrepreneurship in people with disabilities (García-Palma, Manzanera-Román, Ortiz and Olaz, 2018), as well as the competencies that guide and moderate the development of entrepreneurship. After the discussion of results, the appropriate conclusions will be drawn up.
In this work, we have used a qualitative methodology based on the in-depth, semi-structured, individualized interview (Appendix 1) and oral, fulfilled by an internal team of pollsters at the Murcia University between October and November 2017 in the region of Murcia.
It has been considered the most suitable technique to promote a higher degree of freedom to the interviewee and the interviewer, which has facilitated the collection of the various nuances in the speech.
Regarding the profile of the interviewees, there are 15 people related to the world of disability and entrepreneurship. Specifically, there were three profiles identified:
- People with disabilities and experience in entrepreneurship and their families.
- People with disabilities without experience in entrepreneurship.
- Professionals and institutional representatives related to the disability (doctor, work counselor, and social worker).
The discourse analysis has been carried through with the professional software Atlas.TI, and has been implemented on the textual levels (from codified citations) and conceptual (the level at which the relationships worked between the codes and the citations).
As a result of the analysis of the interviews conducted, talking about elements related to the process of entrepreneurship involves stopping in a set of aspects.
From the study achieved, are especially highlighted the aspects related to education and training and how, in particular, training becomes a critical element of the design, development, and implementation of an entrepreneurial process.
This implies the design of an inclusive educational space that allows acquiring, stimulating and developing specified personal abilities that favor personal growth, without forgetting empowerment, understood as the enhancement of diverse capacities, and the always important role of the family that, In a legitimate protectionist effort, it can hinder the aspirations of the individual.
Another element that emerges in this exercise on entrepreneurship is related to the institutional support of the environment (Manzanera-Román et al., 2017).
This support involves integrating coherently, a mosaic of pieces in which they must be cited in order of importance, always based on the opinions of the interviewees, the following aspects: the real and full development of a set of public policies specific (state, regional and local) and adapted to the entrepreneur with disabilities, greater effectiveness of disability associations (partly subject to scarce and discontinued funding), economic support in general, understood as a matter of social and institutional sensitivity either in the public-private sphere (for example, in the university space), without forgetting the support of the family institution, whatever its definition.
Finally, and in-depth in the section on specific public policies oriented towards disability; a series of elements must be contemplated in its configuration that give meaning to its spirit, such as the access to information facilities, the development of a genius inclusive education, bet from the administration for a social conscience, specific training in entrepreneurship, financial support, awareness of the family regarding the role they should develop and a clear vocation for effective empowerment.
In the opinion of the experts interviewed, public policies should be associated with inclusive education, social recognition, entrepreneurship training, the degree of awareness that the family has, empowerment and career guidance if what they aspire to is their effectiveness.
These relationships, however, could not be understood without another set of connections among which access to information, since this is a determining factor when undertaking a process of entrepreneurship with guaranteed success and also social awareness in which legislation can have a significant weight in the social construction of reality.
Before beginning to examine what competencies, in the opinion of the experts interviewed, are essential in the development of an entrepreneurial process, it is opportune to make a minimum reference to the model used.
The Emotional Competence Inventory model (ECI2) has its origins in the work of Hay Group, McClelland Center for Research and Innovation (2005), and was adapted to the particular needs of this study by the research team.
This model identifies four large dimensions that contain a total of 18 competency aspects (table 1).
Source: self-made.
Note(*): The figures refer to the importance that each competition presents, in terms of citations, on the set expressed in so many percents.
A more detailed analysis based on the number of discursive fragments (DF) motivates a more detailed analysis of the six vital moderating competences and empowerment of entrepreneurship in people with disabilities.
1. Self-confidence.
The competition with the most significant number of discursive fragments (DF = 28) is self-confidence (sense of self-esteem and personal abilities).
In the opinion of a businessman with many years of experience, self-confidence is a fundamental element in entrepreneurship, undoubtedly linked to other personal and psychological aspects of the individual:
(The) self-confidence, because it seems a fundamental element having a personal disposition in the sense of having a self-esteem, not to sink into the situation of disability, but is aware that it can get out of that situation, to overcome it, or to live well, even in these conditions, that has the capacity for initiative and willingness to act on the opportunities that arise. (I3.2)
This opinion is shared by other profiles, in the case that concerns us; a health professional linked to people with disabilities, where also it is highlighted how the limitations of the collective suppose an additional bonus of effort and personal improvement, especially if previous experiences have not been as promising as expected.
Self-confidence. People with disabilities, in general, do not have very high self-confidence, because as they have suffered this process, they have been afraid in general not to be able to carry out the activities. So, recovering that self-confidence is very important when performing any work activity. (I.15)
2. Initiative
Another competency that has caught the attention of the people interviewed for its relevance in the development of entrepreneurship is the initiative (DF = 20), understood as the willingness to act on the opportunities presented.
One of the disabled people (without entrepreneurial experience) points out how the initiative does not have to be a discriminating feature between the group of the disabled and those that are not. In other words, the initiative is a necessary quality that accompanies the person independently of other factors:
In this case, I can not make much distinction between people with or without disabilities, (...) because once the person has more initiative, he or she has more capacity for effort, tenacity, to undertake time, resources, look for new resources ... (I.13)
However, in the opinion of a health professional, the psychological state of the individual may have such resonance and level of somatization that it contributes to degrading their initiative:
Self-confidence, like optimism, as the initiative... for me the psychological aspects for me are very important. Because many times even we here in our daily work, we detect that many physical problems are caused because the psychological aspect of the person is not 100%, is not quite well and, sometimes, that sometimes even produces some physical problems even. (I.15)
That is why, when the mental state of the person is positive, the initiative is deployed favoring the possibilities of undertaking projects successfully.
When the psychological state is right, in the valuation interviews when we see that the attitude of the person is positive, we see that it offers us many more possibilities of work. Moreover, they, if we see them with time, we see that they are also more successful. That the psychological aspect is also an important aspect to work with. (I.15)
3. Adaptability
All these aspects as a whole point towards the adaptability (DF = 19) of the person to the environment, conceived as flexibility before changes. This factor, favoring entrepreneurship, is an element meant by several entrepreneurs with disabilities:
The adaptability I think is also crucial; it has to be a flexible person and adapt to changes that may arise within itself as the environment as the same business or company that has... (I.3)
This adaptability is a dynamic process in which the sense of anticipation becomes a pivotal element to resolve outstanding issues:
When you undertake an activity in those conditions you know and part of the fact of what you know, but you know that you will find yourself in situations that you have not lived and that you will have to solve in your moment. (I.2)
This perception coincides with that shown by the professionals related to the health area, attending to the unique circumstances that concur in a competitive labor market for the entrepreneur:
... Adaptability, but today it is necessary for all people to adapt to the current situation, to the labor market, it is essential for everyone, but a person with a disability as well. (I.15)
When additionally is particularized in the entrepreneurship of people with disabilities, the state of "vigilance" should be, even if it fits, as suggested by the following quote:
Adaptability, here thinking about the current markets, because of course, the labor activities of a few years ago have changed a lot concerning the current situation. That person who has a disability. Well maybe he is also a few years old, and he knew how to do one thing, but that thing may well prevent him physically from doing it. Develop others that also can do, and that is adapted to the moment we live. (I.15)
4. Teamwork
Teamwork and collaboration is a competence that, although not one of the most cited, is nevertheless one of the most developed in the discourse of the experts interviewed. Teamwork and collaboration (DF = 14) assume, within the given definition, to work with others towards shared goals and create group synergies in the pursuit of collective goals.
Under this definition, the entrepreneurs interviewed place teamwork as a rooted philosophy with the achievement of objectives and satisfaction in the workplace (by extension, also, the work environment):
Working as a team, creating group synergy in the pursuit of collective goals and being the fundamental collective goal for me would be that the workers and he could be happy and satisfied with their work... (I.3)
This same group indicates, based on the testimony of one of the interviewees, to have another set of resources and, specifically, with the delegation as the maximum expression of effective leadership:
If he (the entrepreneur) thinks he is going to be able to take his business forward only, I think it is complicated, he has to learn, and it is also about flexibility, namely delegate, not being a leader or an authoritarian, rigid entrepreneur... (I.3)
From a more theoretical point of view, people without experience, but with an entrepreneurial vocation, emphasize as an aspect to consider the importance of communication:
People with disabilities and I, from my experience, are usually people that teamwork is very good at and in communication, they are very empathetic with others... (I.13)
This communication, affirms another potential entrepreneur, must be adapted to the purpose and the type of interlocutor with whom it will have to relate in the daily realization and performance of its activities:
Teamwork (is) fundamental because when a person is going to undertake their position is going to have to interact with many professionals, both public entities where you may want to ask for financing or where you are going to invest money, as with other professionals, such as with workers, counselors, even with possible people with whom they share the business or the idea of entrepreneurship and of course a person who is going to start and will provide service to another person because teamwork and communication with others is crucial. (I.13)
No less relevant is the opinion of a family companion who, as a witness of the process of entrepreneurship of his partner, points out the importance of negotiation in the achievement of objectives:
... Teamwork and collaboration are also crucial because if you work as a team, you can make the rest of the people who work around you can negotiate with the rest, resolve conflicts... working as a team can achieve almost everything what is proposed at the level of objectives. (I.1)
5. Optimism
In addition to the competencies mentioned above, there are many other linked to vehiculate the entrepreneurship in people with disabilities. One is optimism (DF = 14) understood as the ability to insist on achieving goals despite obstacles.
This positive current could not be understood without it attending another series of aspects such as self-confidence, as can be seen in the following quote:
Optimism, but I see it closely related to self-confidence. A person who has self-confidence is optimistic, is closely related. If the psychological situation is negative because there is no optimism, then feeling good and having the courage to move forward is closely related to self-confidence. (I.15)
This optimism becomes a fundamental attitude, key in understanding to undertake a professional project, but also of life. Not surprisingly, the resilience or ability to "get up" after an adverse situation, if it is already a complex issue to address, is no less in people who have some disability is of whatever nature.
6. Self-evaluation
The self-evaluation (DF = 13), referred to the knowledge of the strengths and limitations of oneself, is also another of the competencies that emerge in different discourses of this work.
The non-experience in entrepreneurship is not an obstacle for the person to guess their importance when they have to relate in an environment that can "put him to the test":
Self-evaluation might be interesting because knowing your strengths and limitations is essential, and much more critical if you consider that those strengths and limitations of oneself are directly connected to the environment in which you move. (I.14)
From a theoretical point of view, self-knowledge means calibrating personal limits and, what is more important, knowing their potential as a transformative competence element:
Self-evaluation is critical that the person knows himself, his abilities, his strengths, and weaknesses, facing the business to be undertaken at this new stage is fundamental. Because you will have weaknesses, like everyone else, because you will have many skills, knowledge, and training to which you can access, social networks with which you can do a good project. (I.13)
In line with the previous approaches and the case of experienced entrepreneurs, this process of adaptation to the environment becomes a continuum that develops in an incessant and practically endless way:
The self-evaluation is to know the strengths and limitations of oneself, because that is very important, in such a way that the limitations can transform them into strengths, then go evaluating and getting to know each other more and more that is very important. (I.3).
All these aspects underline the importance of self-knowledge so that, in a complex environment, the ability to anticipate and, where appropriate, react allows the person, his or her entrepreneurial commitment, the project, and the environment to be aligned appropriately.
Concerning the elements related to the process of entrepreneurship, the discourse analysis derived from the 15 interviews carried out calls for attention on the following aspects:
In the first place, the vital weight of training highlighted as an empowering element of entrepreneurship. This common element, both for those who have a disability and for those who do not, should be intensified and adapted to those groups that are particularly sensitive and, in particular, to those who have some sensory difficulty. This developmental process, to be effective, must begin years ago in a primary educational space, where an inclusive philosophy would avoid the abandonment of studies at an early age and the subsequent and snatched "re-engagement" towards a formation that starts from some assumptions implied and not covered previously.
Because the need to undertake response, in a large number of cases, not so much to a notion of opportunity as of necessity, it motivates emphasizing more than a procedural training, inspired by what needs to be done, in another where it has been to notice how they are performing things.
In this "how to do," you should not forget, in addition to technical knowledge, other issues that at the end more to condition, will determine the success of the project. It is referring to a set of competencies such as those contemplated in this study and without which early abandonments and defections may arise.
The institutional support and the coordinated action of the different levels of the administration (national, regional and local) is also another element that is empowering entrepreneurship in people with disabilities. The design, development, and implementation of measures adjusted to the actual reality of the disabled person must pass inexcusably through a commitment from the authorities. This support must be guided from a generosity on the part of the political parties, from the highest institutional levels to the municipal corporations. Only depending on this degree of the agreement will it be possible to reconcile wills, join forces and translate them into concrete results.
Together with this last aspect, it is necessary to promote specific public policies for this group of "invisible beings," in light of our current legislative system. The official percentage of people with disabilities is high, and their contribution to the labor force is a resource that has not been adequately assessed. It remains in the hands of politicians, legislators, and society as a whole to respond to evidence that has not yet been able to mature as expected in these times of accelerated change in complex societies.
On a more effective level, the importance of competencies must be underlined. The interviewees have formulated it, although not always in a coinciding way when explaining which are more relevant at the time of undertaking.
A first analysis allows us to point out that the self-knowledge dimension (self-evaluation and self-confidence) together with the self-management dimension (adaptability, initiative, and optimism) register almost 3/4 of the competence potential that would facilitate the development of entrepreneurship in people with disabilities, taking the number of citations as a reference.
The weight of the relationship management dimension is practically testimonial. The only competition for teamwork and collaboration emerges as the only one in its field and percentage, not at all outstanding (9%).
Curious is to highlight the small representation in the entire discourse of the social awareness dimension, where competencies such as empathy are symbolically represented (1.3%) behind service orientation (7.1%).
From all this result of concepts and figures should be noted the importance of the individual versus the social sphere, that is, self-knowledge and self-management as critical pieces in the construction and understanding of entrepreneurship, well above the management of relationships and the social awareness.
In this sense, and correspondence with the elements related to the process of entrepreneurship, it would be especially interesting that both the training and the support of the institutions and, also, the specific public policies abound in the intrapersonal aspects and not so much in the interpersonal ones.
Performing a prospective exercise on a topic always becomes a risky matter. The following conclusions cannot be subtracted, in any way, from these approaches, assuming the difficulties involved a study of this nature.
As a conclusion and from the perspective offered by the interviewees, a prospective perception of entrepreneurship in people with disabilities leads to the conclusion that while there is no visibility of full inclusion, it will be complicated to sensitize and value a group of people who, while it is true that they may suffer from specific abilities, are very often far outweighed by the acquisition, stimulation, and development of other skills.
The real possibilities of entrepreneurship involve successfully managing aspects of a personal and psychological nature, the development of institutional-legal-public policies tailored to people with disabilities, promoting an inclusive culture, promoting the development of actions and itineraries educational-training, without forgetting the socioeconomic aspects of financing entrepreneurship projects and the role that both the family and society as a whole should offer.
Along with these issues and through the acquisition, stimulation, and development of social-emotional competencies, it is feasible to undertake the empowerment of the person, which means betting on self-confidence, initiative, adaptability, the development of teamwork, optimism, and personal self-evaluation.
Therefore, new horizons, new challenges, and new studies are opened in a way to go where in a just and egalitarian society a principle of co-responsibility is necessary.