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Revista Cuidarte

Print version ISSN 2216-0973On-line version ISSN 2346-3414


AVELLANEDA, Patricia Isabel Campos; CRESPO, Hugo Gutiérrez  and  KASANO, Juan Pedro Matzumura. Job Rotation and work performance of nurse practitioners at a specialized healthcare center. Rev Cuid [online]. 2019, vol.10, n.2, e626.  Epub Jan 09, 2020. ISSN 2216-0973.


Staff rotation is considered an important part of Human Resources management. Therefore, its direct or indirect impact should be considered on work performance.


To determine the relationship between job rotation and work performance of nurse practitioners at a specialized ophthalmologist healthcare center.

Materials and Methods

A prospective cross-sectional correlational study was conducted in which a non-probability convenience sampling was applied with a total of 29 nurse practitioners participating in the study. To measure the rotation variable, a 24-question instrument divided into four dimensions was designed with a reliability coefficient of .72. In addition, a 21-question instrument divided into six sections was used in the performance evaluation with a reliability coefficient of .86.


93.1 were women from which 34.5% were between 41 and 50 years old, 62.0% were married and 75.9% had a permanent position. General rotation results: indifferent 58.6%, appropriate 20.7% and inappropriate 20.7%. Final work performance results: moderate 55.2%, low 27.6%, and high 17.2%. Pearson’s correlation coefficient (p-value= 0.511).


Job rotation takes place when there is a lack of staff for a specific service, but it does not consider the worker’s family settings nor include any economic compensation. However, it is considered a professional growth factor by nurse practitioners. Work performance appraisal lies on the subjectivity of evaluators.


it was not found any significant relationship between rotation and work performance.

Keywords : Personnel Turnover; Work Performance; Nurses.

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