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Revista Colombiana de Nefrología

On-line version ISSN 2500-5006


HERRERA-MOLINA, Emilio et al. Recommendations for the rational use of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D test Policy Brief. Rev. colom. nefrol. [online]. 2019, vol.6, n.2, pp.179-192. ISSN 2500-5006.

The exponential increase in the request for laboratory tests of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D or [25 (OH) D has ignited the alarms and generated a strong call for attention, since it may reflect deficiencies in the standardization of clinical practice and in the use non-systematic scientific evidence for decision-making in real life, which allows to analyze the indications of the test, its frequency, interpretation and even to assess the impact for health systems, especially when contrasted with the minimum or almost. No effects of the strategy of screening or supplying indiscriminately to the general population, without considering a comprehensive clinical assessment of risks and needs of people.

From a purely public health impact point of view, the consequence of massive and unspecified requests is affecting most of the health systems and institutions at the global level. The primary studies that determined average population intake values have been widely used in the formulation of recommendations in Clinical Practice Guidelines, but unfortunately misinterpreted as cut points to diagnose disease and allow the exaggerated prescription of nutritional substitution.

The coefficient of variation in routine tests to measure blood levels of 25 (OH) D is high (28%), decreasing the overall accuracy of the test and simultaneously, increasing both the falsely high and falsely low values. The most recent scientific evidence analyzes and seriously questions the usefulness and the real effect of the massive and indiscriminate practice of prescribing vitamin D without an exhaustive risk analysis. The available evidence is insufficient to recommend a general substitution of vitamin D to prevent fractures, falls, changes in bone mineral density, incidence of cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular disease, neoplasms and also to modify the growth curve of mothers' children. They received vitamin D as a substitute during pregnancy.

The recommendations presented in the document are based on the critical analysis of current evidence and the principles of good clinical practice and invite to consider a rational use of 25 (OH) D tests in the context of a clinical practice focused on people and a comprehensive assessment of needs and risks. The principles of good practice suggest that clinicians may be able to justify that the results of the 25 (OH) D test strongly influence and define clinical practice and modify the outcomes that interest people and impact their health and wellness. Currently there is no clarity on how to interpret the results, and the relationship between symptoms and 25 (OH) D levels, which may not be consistent with the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency reported. For this reason, it is suggested to review the rationale of the request for tests for systematic monitoring of levels of 25 (OH) D or in all cases where substitution is performed. Consider the use of 25 (OH) D tests within the comprehensive evaluation of people with suspicion or confirmation of the following conditions: rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, hyper or hypoparathyroidism, malabsorption syndromes, sarcopenia, metabolic bone disease.

Keywords : vitamin D, laboratory test, inappropriate prescribing; health policy.

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