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Ensayos de Economía

Print version ISSN 0121-117XOn-line version ISSN 2619-6573


LOPEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Campo Elías  and  PARDO-RINCON, Sindy Dayana. Ground Freight Transportation in International Trade. Comparative Analysis between Bogotá, Colombia and Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Ens. Econ. [online]. 2019, vol.29, n.54, pp.89-114. ISSN 0121-117X.

Economic growth of a nation largely depends on the exchange of goods that takes place between/ among the rest of nations, this makes international trade even more remarkable, and from this perspective, ground freight transportation becomes extremely relevant in the logistics that underlie the success of commercial transactions done abroad. By way of a quantitative and descriptive analysis we intend to recognize the importance of the relationship between ground freight transportation with the development of international trade starting off from a comparative analysis between Bogotá D.C, Colombia and Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Findings of this research process enable us to detect the existing realities in how this service actually operates under different geographical scenarios, so that from the results that are obtained the related productive sectors may be benefited inasmuch as they are connected to ground freight transportation and the Colombian and Bolivian international trade.

JEL: F02, F16, F23, L91, L92.

Keywords : freight transportation, ground transport; transport service; international trade; logistics.

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