ISSN 0120-8160
printed version

ISSN 2590-521X
online version



Basic Information

Periodicidad: twice a year.

In line with its commitment of promoting the articulation between research and the academic and business environment, and with its readers in mind, the EAN journal has designed a structure that aims to offer a friendly and interesting approach to the research products that are published within, and thereby increase not only the rate of consultation and applicability of knowledge but also its level of appropriation.

Under this perspective, the EAN journal is articulated as follows:

Scientific articles
In this section, the results of research and theoretical reviews are published. A series of icons in the form of calls have been incorporated into the articles, indicating the existence of complementary information, arranged in the section Learning Objects Portfolio.

Business case
In this section, readers can find research articles that present specific cases of business initiatives that can turn into good examples of entrepreneurship and administrative management.

Learning Objects Portfolio
It is a compilation of complementary materials for deepening the topics that are included in the different scientific articles of each edition. Its objective is to provide the reader with a support tool for the appropriation and strengthening of knowledge.

Literature review

This section aims at providing readers with recommendations on the release of recent publications that are of particular interest for the area of economics and business.



Information Services

The articles published in Revista EAN are indexed or summarized by:

  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
  • SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online)
  • Redalyc (Red de revistas científicas de América Latina y el Caribe)
  • Latindex
  • EBSCOhost
  • EconLit
  • Publindex de Colciencias en la Categoría B.
  • También se encuentra referenciada en SciELO Citation Index de Web of Science – WoS, Ulrichs y CLASE.



Copyright holder: Universidad EAN, Bogotá, Colombia.

The articles published in Revista EAN can be reproduced totally or in part for educational purposes, duly quoting the source.



The publication of this journal is financially supported by:

  • Universidad EAN, Bogotá D.C., Colombia.

Web site de Revista EAN.

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Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

Universidad EAN

Revista EAN Universidad EAN - Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
Carrera 11 No. 78-47

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