ISSN 0123-2126 |
Scope and policy
The journal is published in Spanish, yet, contributions in English or in Portuguese will be considered whenever the nature or origin of the texts are worthy of their translation. All articles and contributions will be subjected to revision by the Journal’s assigned editorial assessors. The names of both authors and assessors will not be known to either party. The assigned assessors will pronounce their concept as to the quality of the papers, both in their scientific content and their formal expression, following the guidelines and criteria established by de Journal’s Board of Directors. Evaluation results will be announced in the following terms: To be published, pending some observations, and rejected. An article with a pending concept will get a second opportunity to be examined by the assessor(s). The Journal’s Board of Directors or Editorial Committee may also contribute suggestions in order to improve the general presentation of the work handed in to be published. The publication of an article does not imply agreement with its content from the Board of Directors, the Editorial Committee, or the School of Engineering. Responsibility for the work’s content falls entirely and exclusively on the authors. All papers must be original and unpublished. The author or authors must warrant the unpublished nature of their work and that they have obtained the relevant permit from whomever incumbent to use any material which does not belong to them. The Journal’s Board of Directors reserves the right to accept and publish work already published. In the last case, the author or authors must acknowledge this fact and thus include the respective bibliographic reference. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
The work must be handed in both print and magnetic media with the following specifications: • Original printed copy, A4 format, single space. Articles showing research results must include at least the following elements: • Title. In the case of essays and articles, there are no format constrictions whatsoever. The recommended maximum length is twelve single-spaced pages. The abstract must not exceed 250 words. In general terms, such an outline should answer the expected question to be dealt with, specify the theoretical framework, the methodology to be used, the obtained results, the most significant conclusions, and recommendations for future work. The writing must be straightforward and technical; redundant words must only be used when the use of synonyms hinders the clarity or precision of the text. Units should be expressed in the international unit system. All abbreviations and acronyms must be explained the first time they appear in the text. Equations and other numerical expressions must be numbered in sequence. The bibliography must include all used references and be correctly quoted within the text. As far as bibliographic references are concerned, the journal follows code ISO 690 to specify the elements to be used in published papers vis-à-vis chapters and the articles within as well as patents and ISO 690-2 code in relation to magnetic or electronic documents. Below you will find the norms or codes for the most common references: Monographs: Surname, Name (author/s, complete name or initials of each author separated by semicolon [;]). Other responsible persons: translator, editor, etc. (optional). Edition, year. Length of paper (optional). ISBN number. Example: MANI, Inderjeet. Automatic Summarization. 3rd ed. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2001. 285 p. Natural Language Processing. 90-272-4986-5. If the paper is written by more than three authors, the name of the first one will suffice or the three can be all mentioned. The rest can be left out. If one or more names are left out, the abbreviation “et al.” must follow the last name given. Example: GÓMEZ, Tomás, et al. Vida después de la muerte. Bilbao: Ediciones Deusto, 1989. Parts of Monographs: Surname, Name (author/s, complete name or initials of each different author separated by a semicolon [;]). Title in italics. Edition. Number of the part (volume). Place where it was published. Publisher, year. Source (section, page, etc.). Example: GREY, T. and PARKER W. A text-book of botany. 4th ed., vol. 2. Berlin: Springer, 1920. Sección 10, Acacia Viridis, p. 345-390. Chapters of Monographs: Surname, Name (author/s, complete name or initials of each different author separated by a semicolon [;]). Chapter’s title. Surname, Name of the monograph’s author (in italics). Place where it was published. Publisher, year. Publication’s source (volume, section, pages, etc.). If the paper is written by more than three authors, the name of the first one will suffice or the three can be all mentioned. The rest can be left out. If one or more names are left out, the abbreviation “et al.” must follow the last name given. Example: RIESS, Steven A. Historical perspectives on sports and public policy. In RICH, Wilbur C. (ed). The Economics and Politics of Sports Facilities. London: Quorum Books, 2000. p.13- 52. Magazines: Title (in italics). The magazine’s legal or institutional capacity. Edition. Instalment (date and/or number). Place of publication: publisher, year. Series (optional). Notes (optional). ISSN number. Example: IEEE Internet computing. IEEE Computing Society. 1999, vol. 60. Los Alamitos (Ca): IEEE Computer Society, 1988. ISSN 0018-9350. Article in a Magazine: Surname, Name (author/s, complete name or initials of each different author separated by a semicolon [;]). Title of the article. Collaborators (optional). Title of the magazine (in italics). Year, volume, number, pages. Example: DEARLE, Alan. Toward ubiquitous environments for mobile users. IEEE Internet Computing. 1998, núm. 2, p. 22-32. Academic or Scientific Congress or Conference: Author. Title (in italics). Other responsible persons or institutions (optional). Place of publication. Publisher, year-length (optional). ISBN number. Example: Actas del XXIII Congreso Internacional de Historia del Arte: Granada, 3-8 de septiembre de 1973. Granada: Departamento de Historia del Arte, Universidad de Granada, 1976. ISBN 84-600- 6927-3 Paper at Congress or at an Academic or Scientific Event: Surname, Name (authors of the chapter, name initials or full name separated by [;]). Title of chapter. Person(s) responsible for the Congress. Congress’ title (in italics). Place of the event: Publisher, date of publication. Number of pages. Example: TOLLEMACHE, Federico. Influjos Mediterráneos y Atlánticos en los aranceles aduaneros aragoneses de los siglos XIII y XIV. Departamento de Geografía Lingüística del C.S.I.C. V Congreso Internacional de Estudios Lingüísticos del Mediterráneo, Málaga, 27 de agosto-1 de septiembre 1973. [Málaga]: Instituto de Cultura Hispánica, 1977. pp. 15-25. Ph.D. Thesis: Surname(s), Name (initials or complete name). Title (in italics). Other persons responsible: thesis director, etc. (optional). Edition, Publication; Place of publication: Publisher, date. Length (optional). Notes (optional). Example: GANUZA FERNÁNDEZ, Juan José. El comportamiento estratégico en contratación pública. Directores: Marco Celentani, Carlos Ocaña. Getafe: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Departamento de Economía, 1996. Electronic/Magnetic documents. Author(s). Title of work (in italics); [type of medium]. Edition. Place of publication: editor and date of publication, updating, or revision. Name of chapter or part. Notes. URL availability and access. [Year, Month, and Day when the document was consulted]. Examples: • Web Site: Universidad Europea de Madrid [Web on-line]. <> [Consultation: • Electronic Books: CLEGG, Brian. Training Plus: Revitalizing Your Training [Book online]. London: Sterling, Va. Kogan Page, 2000. E-book collection of Universidad Europea de Madrid. <> [Consultation: 6-7-2002]. ISBN e-book 0585379238. • Web Documents: Library of Congress. MARC 21 Concise Format for Bibliographic Data [Document • Data Bases: Periodica [Data Base on-line]. México: Universidad Nacional, Dirección General de • Computer Programs: The Library of Congress. Library of Congress Online Catalog. [Catálogo en • Serialized Electronic Publications: European Journal of Marketing [On-line Publication]. Bradford: • Articles from serialized electronic publications: LEMRINI, Mohamed. Tecnologías para el futuro (1) [Document on-line]. Binaria. 2001, vol. I. <> [Consultation: 10-7-2002]. ISSN 15791300. When citing bibliographic references within the main text, the method of naming the first element and then the documents’ year of publication must be followed. If the first element makes part of the text, the year must be shown in brackets otherwise both the first element and the year must be shown in brackets. If necessary, the number of the consulted pages must come after the year within the brackets. If two or more documents contain the same first element and share the same year, they must be signalled with lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.) followed by the year within the brackets. Example: The notion of an invisible college has been explored in the sciences (Crane, 1972). Its absence among historians is noted by Stieg (1981, p. 556). It may be, as Burchard (1965, p. 219) points out. . . All work must be sent with attached resumé of the author or authors, indicating complete bibliographic references of other articles published by the author or authors, as well as their institutional affiliation and e-mail address. The journal’s Board of Directors or the Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept or refuse to publish work that does not adhere to the aforesaid norms and rules. |
Sending of manuscripts
All contributions must be sent to the following address: Facultad de Ingeniería A copy of the work sent should be kept since the journal is not responsible for damage or loss suffered during delivery. |
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© 2009 | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana |
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Facultad de Ingeniería
Carrera 7 No. 40-62 - Edificio José Gabriel Maldonado, S.J.
Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
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