ISSN 1909-2474
online version



Editorial Committee

  • Ana Patricia Quintana Ramírez. Social Worker, Master in Sociology and Candidate to the Doctorate for the Universidad de Barcelona. Professor of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Franco Humberto Obando Moncayo. Agrologist. Doctor in Soil and Water Management, University of Cranfield, England. Master in Soil and Irrigation, Universidad de los Andes, Centro Interamericano de Desarrollo Integral de Ag, ULA-CIDIAT (Inter-American Center of Integral Development of Ag), Venezuela. Professor of the Universidad de Caldas.
  • Jairo Ricardo Mora Delgado. B.Sc Zootechnist, Master in Rural Development, Doctor for the University of Costa Rica. Professor of the Universidad del Tolima.
  • Mario Hernán López Becerra. Business Administrator, Master in Sustainable Development Administration. Professor of the Universidad de Caldas.


Scientific Committee

  • Eduardo Rojas Otero. Agricultural Engineer, Master in Education. Retired professor of the Universidad de Caldas.
  • Germán Agudelo Montoya. Doctor and Surgeon, Specialist in Health Promotion, Candidate to the Master's degree in Philosophy. Professor of the Universidad de Caldas.
  • Germán Gabriel Corredor Rengifo. Veterinary Doctor and Zootechnist, Master in Hydrology. Retired professor of the Universidad de Caldas.
  • Hernando Bernal Zamudio. Agrologist, Master in Rural development, Candidate to the Doctorate for the Universidad del País Basco. Project UNESCO Amazon – Universidad del País Basco.
  • Isaías Tobasura Acuña. Agricultural Engineer, Master in Rural Development, Master in Sociology, Doctor for the Universidad de Salamanca. Professor of the Universidad de Caldas.
  • León Felipe Cubillos Q. Philosopher, Master in Sociology, Doctor of Freie Universitat Berlin, F.U.B., Alemania. Professor of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
  • Lina Pinzón de Salazar. Nurse. Professor of the Universidad de Caldas.
  • Marlon Javier Méndez Sastoque. Agricultural Engineer, Master in Rural Development, Master in Rural Sociology. Professor of the Universidad de Caldas.
  • Nelly del Carmen Suárez Restrepo. Philosopher, Master in Adult Education, Candidate to the Master's degree in Rural Development. Professor of the Universidad de Caldas.
  • Sayu Segundo Tercero Iglesias. Social and Cultural Anthropologist, Candidate to the Doctorate for the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Social and Cultural Anthropology.
  • Tulia Elena Hernández. awyer, Candidate to the Master's degree in Development and Environment. Independent professional, member of the Institute of Environmental Studies of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


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