ISSN 0120-100X
printed version

ISSN 2145-8480
online version



Basic Information

The Journal ION, biannual, primary mission is to serve as a means of communication open to the whole community, oriented to the publication of results of scientific research and technological fields of physical and chemical sciences, chemical engineering and related fields. In turn, Ion seeks to encourage a research culture and allow the reader to locate in the scientific, academic and current research, thus contributing to the institutional mission of the Industrial University of Santander.


Information Services

ION Journal is a publication admitted by Colciencias in the National Index of Serial, Scientific and Technological Publications of Colombia Publindex - Category B and they appear in the following databases:

  • CHEMICAL ABSTRACT, database covering topics such as chemistry, engineering, patents, medicine, and regulatory data.
  • FUENTE ACADEMICA PREMIER, Colección de revistas científicas de América Latina, Portugal y España.
  • DIALNET, Índice español de Revistas multidiciplinares.



Information on copyright: name of the owner of the copyright, policy of the journal with respect to the photocopy of articles, and other matters, procedures of the journal etc.



The publication of the magazine is financed by:

  • Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS

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Escuela de Ingeniería Química
Universidad Insdustrial de Santander

Carrera 27 Calle 9 Cuidad Universitaria
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Edificio Escuela de Ingeniería Química
Oficina 206
Apartado Aéreo 678.
Bucaramanga - Colombia
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