ISSN 0120-100X
printed version

ISSN 2145-8480
online version



Scope and policy

The Journal ION publishes unpublished works of projects of investigation, articles of reflection and articles of review with scientific - technological orientation in the field of the physicochemical, related sciences and of those that, still not being of the mentioned specialities, they can be of the interest of the academic community.

The Journal ION will be projected and have national recognition, positioning itself as a publication of excellence in Colombia on issues of physical and chemical sciences, chemical engineering and related fields. It is suggested that in the next five years, the magazine is referenced in the indexes engineering journals such as Engineering Index and Chemical Abstracts and Chemical Abstracts Plus.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


ION journal, of the Chemical Engineering faculty of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, accepts for publication unpublished works in English or Spanish, belonging to the physical and chemical sciences, these articles must be submitted as follows:

Article Types:
The articles that ION journal receives for publication must be of the following class:

  • Article of scientific and / or technological research. This paper presents, in detail, the original results of research projects completed. The structure generally used contains six important parts: introduction, methodology or experimental part, results, results analysis, conclusions and references.

  • Reflection article. This paper presents results of completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective, on a specific topic, using original sources.

  • Review article. This document is the result of an completed research in which they are analyzed, systematized and integrated research findings published or unpublished, on a science or technology field, in order to account for the progress and development trends. It is characterized by a careful review of the literature of at least 50 references.

Articles Submission:
The article to be published, along with the documents required by the journal must be sent in the formats: ".doc" and ".pdf" to:

Editora de Revista ION:
Dra. Sonia A. Giraldo Duarte
Escuela de Ingeniería Química
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Correo Electrónico:

Articles editorial features:

Maximun Length:
20 double-spaced pages, including tables and figures, unless it is a review article.

Symmetrical margins:
Inner: 2.5 cm. Outter: 2.0 cm.
Upper: 2.5 cm. Lower: 2.0 cm.

Arial 10

Page size:

The article should include the following chapter: introduction, methodology or experimental part, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments (optional), and references. Results and discussion may be presented in another chapter.
The article must be written in clear and precise language. Units should be used as the International System (IS).

Pages and titles should not be numbered and do not put headers or footers either.

Titles in English and Spanish (Arial 14) separated by a space:
sentence type format (only capitalizer the first letter), bold and centered, no more than two lines each.

Authors and affiliation:
The names and surnames of authors should appear under the title, separated by a semicolon (;) (Arial 10). After each full name, a superscript number will be included to show the statement of affiliation, which is below the names (Arial 9). In the event that the item is submitted by a single author or that all belong to the same institution, using superscripts not required.
Furthermore, it should put an asterisk in superscript to indicate the author who will be the contact for readers in the case given that the article is published, as follows:

Mario Ruíz Pabón1; Paula Andrea González Rios1; Juan Pérez Díaz2*

1Escuela de Química. Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), Cra. 27 Calle 9, Bucaramanga, Colombia
2Escuela de Ingeniería Química. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Carrera 45 No 26-85 - Edificio Uriel Gutiérrez Bogotá D.C. - Colombia


Abstract (Arial 10):
A summary of the work will be presented, including relevant aspects: relevance, context, methodology or experimental part, results and conclusions.
Do not include discussion, citations, charts and figures called to or calls to footnotes. It must be written in Spanish (Resumen) and English (Abstract) and must be no longer than 250 words.

Key words (Arial 9):
they are words in Spanish that are located after the "resumen" and in English (Keywords), after the abstract. They are cited to show the reader the main issues to which the article refers, and this facilitates the collection and search for a citation in data banks. The article must have between 3 and 6 keywords separated by comma (,) in lowercase italics.


Article body (Arial 10):
justified, single-spaced and in just one column.

The main titles (Introduction, methodology or experimental part, results, etc.) Should be written in sentence case format (capitalized only), bold, without underlining, in a separate line and separated from the next text by a space. The different sections of the text can be separated by subtitles, as follows:

  • In the second order of importance, the subtitles will be in lowercase, bold text and separate line following.
  • In the third order of importance, the subtitles will be in lowercase, bold and in the same line of text below.

Words in another language like Latin should be written in italics.

The numbering of citations or references within the text should be made with an Arabic numeral in brackets and author names being mentioned as part of drafting (Bautista FM [1]). References should appear consecutively throughout the text, likewise, will be collected at the end in addition to references.

Tables (Arial 9, with no shadows):
The tables should be documented, but not duplicate data already presented in the text. They must be located in the appropriate section and focused, each table should have a short title, precise and written above the table, centered, beginning with the word "Table" followed by the Arabic numeral that corresponds consecutively (eg table 1. Title). You can have table footer (Arial 8) and note (s) clarification (s). The table must have dialed main horizontal lines only, that is to say, the edges (upper and lower) and the separation of the major headings. The columns and rows must be set to the text they contain.

Figures (All characters in Arial 9):
they must be included in the text and centered. It must be made in black and / or gray scale. Below the figure is a legend after the word "Figure" followed by the Arabic number that corresponds to the sequence and indicating what is presented. (Eg, Figure 1. Title). The symbols and explanatory legend should be on or within the space of the figure.

Equations (Times New Roman 10):
Equations should be done with the equation editor of Word, be included in the text and centered. Your writing should have the highest quality, in addition to being ordered with consecutive Arabic number in parentheses to the right of the equation. When necessary must specify the meaning of the variables then the equation. When writing the variables of the equations in the text, they must have the same font you have in the equation.

There must only ber eferences cited in the text. The list of references should be made in order of appearance in the text, starting with number one square brackets [1] and written according to theVancouver international standard.


  • Books:
  • [#] Surname (s) followed by the author's first name(s) initials. If there are more than six, then cite the first six and "et al" to represent the rest of the authors. (It is not authorized the use of the words "and colaborators" or "and others"). Following the book's title. Country: Publisher, year.

    [1] Hines AL, Maddox Robert N. Transferencia de masa fundamentos y aplicaciones. México: PHH Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana S.A; 1987.

    The first edition does not need to be written. The issue always gets in Arabic numerals and abbreviation.

    [2] Van Wylen GJ, Sonntag RE, Borgnakke C. Fundamentos de termodinámica. 2 ed. México, D.F.: Grupo Noriega Editores; 1995.

  • Book Chapter:
  • [#] Surname (s) followed by the author's first name(s) initials. If there are more than six, then cite the first six and "et al" to represent the rest of the authors. (It is not authorized the use of the words "and colaborators" or "and others"). Book title. In: book title. Editor(s) or book compilator (as it is done with the authors). Country: Publisher, year.

    [1] Hines AL, Maddox RN. Destilación multicomponente. En: Transferencia de masa fundamentos y aplicaciones. Almeyda O, Editor. México: PHH Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana, S.A.; 1987. p. 346-98.

  • Journal Article:
  • [#] Surname (s) followed by the author's first name(s) initials. If there are more than six, then cite the first six and "et al" to represent the rest of the authors. (It is not authorized the use of the words "and colaborators" or "and others"). Article title. Abbreviated name of the journal. Year;issue.(No):pgs.

    The abbreviated names of the journals can be seen here:
    CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service):

    [5] Chou P, Vannice MA. Benzene hydrogenation over supported and unsupported palladium. J. Catal.. 1987;107(1):129-39.

    [6] Bautista FM, Campelo JM, Garcia A, Luna D, Marina JM, Moreno MC, et al. Acidity and catalytic activity of AlPO4-B2O3 (5-30 wt% B2O3) systems prepared by impregnation. Appl. Catal. A. 1998;170:159-65.

  • Written papers or event minutes:
  • [#] Surname (s) followed by the author's first name(s) initials. Each author separated by a comma. Proposal title. In: Surname (s) followed by the author's first name(s) initials of the editors. Events title; abbreviated date; city, country where it was carried out. Publication city: editorial; year. p.

    [1] Lafay Y, Cabot G, Boukhalfa A.. Experimental study of biogas combustión in a gas turbine configuration. En: Lewis E, Andrews M, editors. 13th International symposium on applied laser techniques to fluid mechanics; 2006 sep 20-25; Lisbon, Portugal. Lisbon: SG editors; 2007. p. 128-54.

  • Thesis:
  • [#] Surname (s) followed by the author's first name(s) initials. Each author separated by a comma. Thesis title (PhD. thesis). City, country: University; year.

    [1] Sánchez Vilches E. Aprovechamiento del catalizador usado de F.C.C. de refinerías (tesis doctoral) Castillón, España: Universitat Jaume I de Castellón; 1994.

  • Patent:
  • [#] Surname (s) followed by the author's first name(s) initials. Each author separated by a comma. Patent title. Patent country, patent number. date (abbreviated).

    [3] Larsen CE, Trip R, Johnson CR, inventors; Novoste Corporation, titular. Methods for procedures related to the electrophysiology of the heart. US patent 5.529.067. 1995 Jun 25.

  • Organization Report:
  • [#].Organization name. Report title. City, Country: Publisher name (if there is one); year.

    [2] General Motors. Tecnología de vehículos de combustible flexible Flex Fuel. Michigan, Estados Unidos; 2008.

  • Websites:
  • [#] Surname (s) followed by the author's first name(s) initials. Each author separated by a comma.. Document title (website). Institution or company who is responsable for the page. Available on: URL. Check or access date.

    [8] Gómez Puyou A. La complejidad de las proteínas: relación entre estabilidad, flexibilidad y catálisis (sitio en Internet). Instituto de Fisiología Celular, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Disponible en: Acceso el 11 de Marzo 2011.

Evaluation Process:

Once it is recived the required documentation to the satisfaction of the editorial board, proceed as follows:

  • Evaluación. El artículo será evaluado por dos árbitros externos especializados (pares).
  • Comunicación a los autores sobre las evaluaciones. El comité Editorial dará a conocer las evaluaciones a los autores, y si es el caso dará un plazo prudencial para las respuestas, de acuerdo a las correcciones solicitadas.
  • Release Decision: The Editorial board, according to: the results of the evaluations, the responses of the authors and the volume of articles submitted, determine which is published and which not.

The Editorial board will inform the authors about the publication

  • Layout. The author must have availability for rapid review, correction of form and accepting the layout of your article.
  • The whole process will take place in six months at the most.


Sending of manuscripts

Documents to be sent:

  • An introductory letter certifying that the article is original, has not been published or submitted for evaluation for publication in another journal or book. In addition, membership data, address, and telephone number of author electronics with the journal will have communication and e-mails of all authors. They must include the full name, affiliation and email address of at least three pairs that can assess the article they are presenting.
  • Article according to the instructions for authors.
  • A zipped folder with:
    - Figure: in the original format. In case of being a photo, in .jpg or .gif with high resolution (800 x 600 pixels or higher)
    - Table: in Word format.

All of them separately that allow to be edited without affecting the resolution.

  • The Copyright Act Section format completed and signed by all authors.

Authors should make sure to keep copies of all materials submitted.

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Escuela de Ingeniería Química
Universidad Insdustrial de Santander

Carrera 27 Calle 9 Cuidad Universitaria
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Edificio Escuela de Ingeniería Química
Oficina 206
Apartado Aéreo 678.
Bucaramanga - Colombia
Telefax: (57-7) 6344000 Extensión: 2522