ISSN 0121-3709
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Scope and policy

Orinoquia journal publishes original articles, literature reviews, essays, case reports and short communications. Entries must be unpublished and the author (s) must state in writing that the content of the manuscript has not been submitted or will be submitted for publication to another journal while the process of evaluation. Consequently, the author (s) must fill out and attached form “Record of the authors,” which is required to consider and submit for assessment the submitted manuscript.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Authors must adhere to the following general guidelines: 

1. Papers must be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. 
2. The manuscript should be typed in Arial 12, 1.5 space. 
3. All pages should be numbered. 
4. All lines should be numbered continuously. 
5. The authors should complete and attach the form “Certificate of Authors” 

Types of Contribution 
May be submitted for publication in Orinoquia Journal: 

1. Original articles of research results.
2. Short communications. 
3. Case reports or clinical cases
4. Review articles and essays. 
5. Letters to the editor. 

1. Original research article results. 
It is an unpublished paper containing the results of an original research, which must include the following items:  

Title. Should be written in Spanish, English and Portuguese. In small letters, bold face and centered. Not more than 15 words. Latin names should be italicized (eg, Bos indicus, Oryza sativa, Piaractus brachypomus, Brucella abortus, etc.).

Authors names must be centered and in the following order: first name, middle initial (if any), full first surname, middle initial (or both surnames joined by a hyphen), do not include punctuation marks and follow by a superscript in italics to indicate the affiliation of each author followed by a comma and the qualifications using shortcuts and also separated by commas. Use semicolons to separate each author (eg, Alvaro Ocampo D1, Z, MSc, PhD, Victor L Hurtado N2, DVM, MSc. PhD, Paul E-Cruz-Casallas3, DVM, MSc, PhD).  
Affiliation. Immediately below the authors, centered and starting with the superscript assigned to each author. Include full personal details (Eg.1, 2School of Animal Science; 3Aquaculture institute, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, University of the Llanos, Villavicencio, Colombia).

Author by correspondence. Marked with an asterisk placed immediately after the superscript indicating the relationship and in a footnote to specify the complete electronic and postal addresses.

SUMMARY. Title aligned on the left, uppercase and bold. Contains the research problem, objectives, concise description of the materials and methods, results and relevant conclusions. 300 words maximum.

KEY WORDS. (In Spanish) This caption should be written in lowercase, bold and not italicized, followed by two points, listed below, in alphabetical order, small letters, italics and no boldface, between three and six keywords that identify the work, preferably if they are not part of the title of the manuscript. 

ABSTRACT. Title aligned on the left, uppercase and bold. This caption corresponds to English literal translation of the summary in Spanish. 

Key words. (In English)  Corresponds to the literal translation into English of key words in Spanish. 

RESUMO. Title aligned on the left, uppercase and bold. Corresponds to the literal translation into Portuguese of the summary in Spanish. 

PALAVRAS CHAVE. Corresponds to the literal translation into Portuguese of the key words in Spanish.

INTRODUCTION. Title aligned on the left, uppercase and bold. Contains the current state of knowledge of the discussed topic, tested hypotheses and objectives. 

MATERIALS AND METHODS. Title aligned on the left, uppercase and bold. This section can be subdivided into subtitles also aligned on the left, italicized, lowercase and bold. This section contains detailed description of the methodology used to develop the research. An endorsement of the Ethics Committee for animal experimentation must be included. Developed or standardized methods by the authors should be described in such a way that allows other authors to reproduce them. If the method has been described by others, do not include the details, but indicate the corresponding bibliographic reference. Methods modified by the authors, should include reference and detailed description of the amendments made by the authors. 

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Should clearly indicate the procedure used, the transformations applied to the data, the statistical models used and the level of significance considered to establish significant differences. 

RESULTS. Title aligned on the left, uppercase and bold. Should be expressed in past tense, noting the level of statistical significance in parentheses, with the “P” written in capital letters (eg P <0.05, P <0.01, P> 0.05). 99.9% higher levels of reliability will be cited as P <0.01.  
Tables and figures should be cited or referenced in this section in strict order. The citation in the text can be done in two ways: ie a) ... as shown in Table 2 ... or, b) the results showed no statistically significant differences (Table 2). 
The units of measurement will be cited according to the metric system in lower case and there must be a space between number and unit, except for the percent (%) and Colombian Pesos signs ($) that will always be attached to the figure . Units of measure should not be used in the plural or have endpoint (eg kg instead of kgs, kg.). When a unit of measurement corresponds to multiple numbers, accompanied by only the last value (eg 3 to 5 kg instead of 3 kg - 5 kg). The decimal point must be separated by a period (.). The units of concentration must be separated by a forward slash (/), ie 5 mg/l. 

ABBREVIATIONS: names in another language should not be translated and accompanied by its acronym in parentheses, for example, Insulin-likeGrowth Factor (IGF), citing on only the acronym.  Manufacturer or producer of all the compounds and reactants, as well as the equipment used must be enclosed in parentheses with the host city of the parent company, state or department and country (eg Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA). Brand Names should not be included in the text, the active principle will always be referenced. If necessary, the trade name will be cited as footnote page. 

DISCUSSION. Title aligned on the left, uppercase and bold. This is a separate section of results which includes the main contributions of the authors, explaining and contrasting the results with other studies and interpreting the differences, to finally bring the recommendations or relevant assumptions. Avoid referring to issues or assumptions that are not directly related to the results presented and the subject matter of work. 

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Title aligned on the left, uppercase and bold. Can be mentioned institutions and individuals who financed or supported the work. Project or agreent codes must be specified, if they were financed in the framework of it.  

REFERENCES in the text must be cited with name (s) and year, until 2 authors, eg Jaramillo (2006); Zuluaga and Tobon (2008).When three or more authors use et al., Written in italics and after the first author: eg Botero et al., (2009) and Velasco-Santamaría et al. (2011). We recommend do not cite more than three references by concept.  

TABLES AND FIGURES. Should be made on separate sheets. All line illustrations and photographs are called figures and should be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals. For tables, the title should be placed at the top, while the figures written on the bottom. The headings of the columns and rows will capitalize only the first letter.  

Tables should have horizontal lines only between the title and the case, the case and the contents of the table, and between content and sources (for an example, see table in the latest issue of the journal). Vertical lines should not be used. The units of the headers should be indicated in parentheses. Numbers, letters or asterisks must be referenced at the bottom of the table or figure, statistical measures or particular meanings shall be in italics and superscript, and in special cases, specific explanatory comments on the methodology used can be made at the foot of the table.

2. Short communications. Should have essentially the same content of the original articles, but differ from those in its extension which is significantly lower and the results may be preliminary. 

3. Case reports or clinical cases.  Shall contain the following parts: title, authors, affiliation, abstract (maximum 150 words), keywords, title in English, Abstract, key words, introduction. In addition, evaluation of the patient (with the following subtitles: Anamnesis, clinical examination findings and diagnostic aids), treatment approach, discussion and conclusion. All items must conform to the rules for original articles. 
4. Literature reviews and essays. Review: It is a critical analysis of available literature related to some topic of current interest for the Orinoquia magazine, therefore, usually they are received for previous invitation by the Editor. Manuscripts should meet the same standards as the original article, but do not include chapters on materials and methods, results and discussion, but instead headings and subheadings related to the theme under review will be used. The authors will argue, support or dispute the information in the literature review and shall also make a critical contribution on the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for research on the reviewed topic. 

Test: is a document prepared by the author, in which their ideas and conceptions about a specific topic, usually related to their specialty are shown.
5. Letters to the Editor. It is a place for researchers or the general public to express their opinion about a particular topic. The author will be free to use the grammatical style they consider appropriate, conforming to the editorial directions provided above.
Writing and citation of references. Relate each and every one of the references cited in the text. Special care must be taken to spell the names of the authors and the dates are matched both in the text as in the reference list. As mentioned above, the text should refer to only the author’s surname (without initial name) and year of publication, separated by commas. You can use the two possibilities illustrated by the following example: “... since Peterson (1966) showed that ...»,” ... this is in agreement with results obtained later (Kramer, 1989). “ 

The wording of the references should conform to the following models: 
A. Original articles. Name of each one of the authors, written with only the first letter capitalized, followed by surname and initials of the first and middle names, if any, then point and year of publication, followed by a period and the title of the article, then point and journal name written extensively in italics, followed by a comma, volume number, followed by the number or numbers written in parentheses, followed by a colon and finally the range of pages. 

1) Examples or Original Articles:  Gutiérrez-Yara G,  Cruz-Casallas PE, Velasco-Santamaría YM.2009. Effects of seaweed extract on production parameters of white tambaqui (Piaractusbrachypomus): laboratory testing and commercial scale. Orinoquia Journal, 13 (1): 37 - 45. 

Velasco-Santamaría YM, Korsgaard B, Madsen SS, Bjerregaard P. 2011. Bezafibrate, a lipid-Lowering compound, endocrine disruptor as a Potential in zebrafish (Danio rerio).Aquatic Toxicology, 105 (1-4): 107-118. 

B. Organizations or entities. Abbreviated name of the institution if any, followed by the name of the institution at large. Year of publication. Title, followed by the city and the country separated by commas.
2) Organization or entity, examples: 

INPA - National Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture. 2002.Colombian Fisheries Statistical Bulletin 2001. Bogotá, Colombia. 
IDEAM. 2000. National Water Study. Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies. Bogotá, Colombia.  

C. Articles in journal supplements. Name of each one of the authors, writting only the first letter capitalized, followed by surname and initials of the first and middle names, if any, then point and year of publication, followed by a period and the title of the article, then point and journal name in full in italics, followed by a comma, volume number, followed by the word “supplement” in parentheses, followed by a colon and finally the range of pages.
3) Article in journal supplements, such as: 
OF Sastre, G Hernández, PE Cruz-Casallas. 2004. Influence of body weight and water temperature on oxygen consumption of white Cachama (Piaractus brachypomus). International Journal of Animal Science, 17 (Supplement): 11 - 16. 

D. Book. Name of each one of the authors, written in only the first letter capitalized, followed by surname and initials of the first and middle names, if any, then point and year of publication, followed by a book title and then point and edition number, followed by a period and name of publisher, followed by coma and city of publication and finally the total number of pages. 

4) Book example: 
BabinPJ, Lubzens E. 2007. The Fish Oocyte: From Basic Studies to Biotechnological Applications. 1st ed. Springer, Netherlands, p. 508. 

5) Book chapter, for example: Casallas Cruz-PE, Velasco-Santamaría YM. 2006.Determination of seminal characteristics and artificial insemination in fish. In: PV Daza, Landine WFP Sanabria OAI (Editors). Fish reproduction in the tropics. Colombian Institute for Rural Development (INCODER) - Universidad Nacional de Colombia. D.C. Bogotá, Colombia. p. 175-195. 

6) Personal communication:  Are cited only in text (not references) indicating the author, affiliation, and year.
7) Electronic reference. Example:  Morse SS. Factors in the Emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis 1995; [Access date ...] URL: 


Sending of manuscripts


Contributions to Orinoquia Journal must be sent by e-mail in word format to, together with the completed “authors´ approval”. The authors` approval must be signed by each author and send in PDF format. They can also be sent via OJS (Open Journal System), before registering in the Journal´s webpage (

Comité Editorial - REVISTA ORINOQUIA
Dirección General de Investigaciones
Universidad de los Llanos
Km 12 vía a Apiay, Vereda Barcelona
Telefax: (57-8) 6616800 Ext. 158
Villavicencio, Meta - Colombia


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Instituto de Investigaciones de la Orinoquia Colombiana

Kilómetro 12 Vía Puerto López
Teléfono: (57-8) 6616800 Ext :158
Villavicencio Meta